Monday 13 October 2008

MA Global Business Studies Group

at Bramley Lakes 11/12 Oct 08

Professor Eric Chan brought the International Students Regents Business Shool (RBS) as part of their leadership programme towards their MA in International (Global) Studies. In all 22 differant nationalities in the group of 41, ranging from India to Nigeria and Iran to Russia.

5 Groups completed a Management exercise to include Planning, report writing, presentations, experiential tasks, profit and loss accounts, time management and feedback.

The five facilitators, Steve Turner, John Lloyd, Iain Wilson, David ? and myself where kept very busy not only with the programme but the students ensured there was never a dull moment. Amazing to think that for many of them English is a third language.

Great fun but tiring!


Wednesday 1 October 2008

John Lewis - Peterborough Store

Department Managers (DMs) Team Day

Orton Hall Hotel - Peterborough 30 Sep 08

Toojays Training and Consultancy led by MD Lee Martin supported by Iain Wilson, Katherine Self and Jon Pulford delivered the second John Lewis Peterborough DMs event of 2008. Following the success of event one a two day event held at Bramley Lakes in February 08 this event was designed to visit the success of the first event and see how the One Team - One Deal concept based around the Lencioni 5 dysfunctions had been implanted into the workplace.


With credit crunch and consumer confidence on the wain it was great to see and hear the positiveness amongst all the team to do the best we can, get the basics right and be ready for when the markets regain confidence.

A great day with 4 teams completing a series of experiential tasks in the afternoon and reviewing the tasks along the One Team - One Deal model.

Each team gained points toward a final target, by sharing the knowledge of success amongst the team the target was smashed - Well done great day.

Jons Team - Steve, Tom, Michelle, Sue and Ann (SG)